🪷🪷🪷 🧡🤍💛

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This is such an inspiring post to hear about all of the hard work and unwavering commitment you've all had in bringing your album to life. Fitting it in around your kids and doing it because you loved it. Wishing you all the best with the album launch! 🌟

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I’m so inspired by this one! You have lots to be proud of. I think community is the “c” that can get overlooked when it comes to a creative pursuit. It can feel like a lonely endeavor but it needs some kind of community at least sometimes to keep it thriving. And we all know consistency is just damn hard.

I also enjoyed the look into being in a band and recording, as my dad’s a musician and getting ready to go back into the studio after quite some time!

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Lindsay, your voice is beautiful. I love listening to the tracks you share in here of your band, is the album going to be available in the US? Thank you for the three C’s and sharing this story, it reminds me how important it is as a human and as a mother to keep find things that bring me joy.

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So brilliant Lindsay, thank you for being so inspiring as always. I loved learning more about the beautiful history of your band and your dedication to the music, and to each other. You deserve every inch of success on and off the leaderboard, well done you! And I love the song, so look forward to the album ✨ xx

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Lindsay, where can I get this album? Just listened to Mothers, and I'm in tears now. In awe of you and your bandmates - what an achievement 💗. Please come do a gig in Ireland, maybe even Greystones 😉

PS. Love your scottishisms! What does 'vimmy' mean?

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Hooray! This is such a lovely comment to read, Annette. Thank you so much. The album is released on the solstice and will be available somehow (ask me when I’ve asked the question of Joel who is in charge of everything!)

PS: I just riffed on the standard English word ‘vim’ and thought it sounded good… :)

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Amazed by your creative life plus a day job and being a mum. In awe 💕 I also loved this scene about you walking your kids home with the old firm game going on in the background. When I am abroad a lot of people ask about rangers/celtic - i think its one of the things known about glasgow - but my memories of it are more like this - you are going through town and its happening there around you and maybe you need to take a bit of extra care…

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I am similarly amazed until I look around my house and it becomes clear that the reason I’ve been productive is because I’m living in filth and chaos, Catriona! You’re right about the old firm being something that people not from here know about Glasgow. Before we moved to the southside and close to Hampden we lived in Dennistoun which was close to Celtic Park, so we’ve had a lot of experience of match days down the years! I think that the trouble I’m fearful of is mostly in my head / history, but then you never know… The girls didn’t go into town that day, which I was thankful for but what a shame that they have to think about the aftermath of a football match as reason enough to curtail their own freedoms.

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Excellent achievement, well done to all of you! ❤️ Coincidentally I've also been guided by C words for the past year or so: Creativity, Connection, Contribution and Curiosity and they have stood me in good stead.

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@Sarah Robertson said the same of words beginning with C! I wonder what specific magic we are all drawn to in them? I’m also thinking about what @Claire Amritavani Brown might have to say about this… Is there anything in the tarot about letters, or recurring sounds? Or am I on a ridiculous track?!

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I definitely struggle with the 'consistency' part of your 3 Cs and I don't even have kids as an excuse. Congratulations on the album, and the substack charting, that is some effort and achievement!

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Thanks, Zara. Yep, it’s HARD. I proclaimed that I’d be posting on Wednesdays and Sundays, and so am now beholden / honour-bound but also it’s good for me to be disciplined otherwise I might never…?! Also, come to the gig!

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Congratulations on all! We are all so multidimensional and I appreciate you sharing this part of you and all of the challenges you faced in just trying to find anyway to let the singer in you sing in community! Bravo! And happy 41!

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Thanks so much, Emily. Yes, we are all so many things, aren't we. I love it when I get a glimpse of other aspects or folks' lives that we know on here as writers or creators. Lives are messy, complex and endlessly fascinating! x

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May 26Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

Love the song Lindsay, so full of life and personality. Beautiful voices too xx

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Thanks, Lily!x

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May 26Liked by Lindsay Johnstone


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May 26Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

<3 <3 Memories! Emotion! Love! BABIES!!

Seven years, surely not?..... xxx

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May 26Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

Congratulations, Lindsay! It's so beautiful—stunning songs so far and gorgeous pics. I love this whole sequence, and all the potential interruptions that didn't derail you all. The Macbook propped on the playpen in the video is perfect.

Mother is wonderful. I've been humming the melody since I first played it (and had to get out of bed to listen more properly so I wouldn't wake Emma). Can't wait to hear the rest of the tracks.

Communities don't just happen. Like I said in the blurb, you're such a skilled community builder. And you've brought so much connection, consistency, and community to so many of us here through your endless support of all of us, so thank you for that. You know if the gig was closer, Emma and I would be there!

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Thank you as always for your kind words and insights, Rob. It's so appreciated. And I shall pass on your endorsement of Mothers to the band. I agree that it's an earworm... The observation of the Macbook on the playpen! I hadn't really noticed, but you are so right. It says a lot about the chaos in which we often found/find ourselves in order to get things done. Those boys are about to start school after the summer, which I cannot quite fathom...

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May 26Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

Very excited for you, Lindsay! And those three Cs (you know I love my C words 😉 curiosity, creativity and connection) overlap with my own. Interestingly, I’ve been writing about congruency lately…but that’s sitting in one of many drafts.

Anyway, lovely to see your album and all good things being out in the world. The artwork is 🤩

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May 26Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

gorgeous song, gorgeous reflections

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It's a powerful one, and I am so delighted that we have it to sing xx

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May 26Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

i'm hiding in the bathroom so i can actually enjoy it properly second time round 💚

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That is such a compliment to know you are using the precious alone time of a bathroom visit to listen!xx

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