Love this! So much resonates! I too have just done Zoe, what a great investment, plus you nail the Charlie Fairhead/Tim Spector thing, going back to read again :)

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Oh thank you, Kate! Yes, my other point of reference for Tim is Roger Sterling from Mad Men... 😏

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Great! I suspect beetroot is going the same way for me. Results on 17 OCT!!! I also love aqua-they better not take that away from me. I declined the BGM...not sure about the data and where it went.More soon! Have you read the book 'Breath' byJames Nestor. Pls read it will change your life also!!!(what more changes?)

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I absolutely loved that book, Anna. Transformative for me and my partner who is now a committed mouth-taper!

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Love it!!!!

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Lindsay, whew! Another outstanding post! A different journey with similar themes here as well. And umm, more audio posts please because that was a gift to my ears! I've just started recording my posts too and have found it easy to record and apply some basic edits using GarageBand (I'm an Apple fangirl). Haven't tried recording in the closet yet, but could probably clear out some boxes to make a little studio. Anyway, just quite a bit starry-eyed reading your posts and connecting.

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This all resonates so much with me! I am fascinated by diet and nutrition too and also started strength training a few years ago as I approached 40…

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