Oooo I love this, so here for the scenius!! Yessss so much of how I feel since being here on Substack is inspired by the collective, in terms of support, inspiration and collaboration. I find it amazing to be seen by other writers and have their own perspectives reflected back to you, which then goes on to inspire more discussion and ideas. Have also totally fallen in love with online co-working, it feels so lovely. (Not to mention IRL events, very excited to meet some lovely Substackers at our spring gathering in London next weekend!!) xx

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Fabulous word Lindsay, I definitely enjoy the scenius of substack writers, I feel right at home here and the scenius def fuels my creative energy. I’m not sure we can all declare ourselves genius, but scenius? I’m in! Will drop it into conversation as much as possible from now on.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

Here's to spreading our scenius @Lindsay Johnstone, person by person, a beautiful strong web of creativity, solidarity, resilience and friendship. The Life Raft co-working gathers again at 3pm today!

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Apr 9Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

Loved being introduced to this new to me word and I think I will also write on it one day… HOW exciting that the seed of your book started in Alnwick wow Lindsay! ✨✨✨

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I think this is why I move from one writing course to another. Yes, I'm after the insight and experience of the writer leading the course, but often/sometimes the real gold comes in forging a relationship with the other writers. I have a lovely in person writing group here in Ilkley. I love the conversations we have when we meet up, and I love it when we share our writing whether in our regular meet ups or our Spoken Word evenings. I also love writing within the community of London Writers Salon but I think I miss being in a team (if you see what I mean) and writing regularly with others, having people who'll nudge me to keep going, to write the damn post and hit send! Working in my new job at OB has shown how brilliant it is to work alongside other people with the same shared values and approach. I need some of that magic in my writing life.

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I’ve never heard it before here Lindsay, it’s an ace word! Community and collaboration on here are so beautiful and important for me as I have no IRL writing pals close to me at all really and no childcare to do things together even if I did 💔 so I’m very grateful for so many beauties on here and on my courses too who make me feel part of a gorgeous gathering x

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Apr 7Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

Well, this is quite apt considering I was asking you what on earth scenius meant just a few days ago! I couldn't agree more with your main points Lindsay and, being a reasonably new Substacker, the sense of community and collaboration is a huge pull. I'm lucky enough to write remotely with a collective of great poets (loosely and not as regularly as we once did...) but I am loving learning about different genres and partaking in/watching skill sharing and the lifting up of other creatives. And, it's been amazing to see these connections move from SS into real life too. I see many collabs and writing chats ahead. Thanks for all of your support.

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Apr 7Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

Collaboration is my love language and I adore the sparks that fly when I team up with others. Most of our creative work is done in solitude, so it helps to find ways of cultivating a sense of belonging and connection.

Thanks for giving my co-working sessions a wee shout out, Lindsay. Press Play returns on Friday 26th April for anyone who wants to join my membership and come along 🥰

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Apr 7Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

When I've taken part in writing retreats with lots of other writers, I've literally seen the creative energy like a halo around everyone. I am sure it is contagious. This is a really interesting and varied post. Thank you for introducing me to the term too!

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I love this Lindsay- it's been something I've been thinking about a lot. I live in a relatively isolated place- "my people" are spread all over the globe (mostly on the other side of it!). and I definitely don't have a creative community that I'm a part of IRL. I've been thinking of the online aspect of creating one (which I have done in the past) but it hasn't quite worked out (the people who joined I also have worked with in a coaching capacity and the definitions and lines formed in the group meant it was a great creative space for them, but not so much for me. A product of the design that was my fault!). I'm musing on this more and more and am taking steps to actively figure it out! xx

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Oh, Faith you are SO right. 'Space-holding' is another one and there are yet many more... I have a different lexicon here than on Insta with that gang, too. Funny how we code-switch (still!) as fully-functioning adults depending on who we're with / what scenius we are immersed in!

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Apr 7Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

Big love to you pal for the openness to sharing your work and the love of creating and holding spaces. I love co-working with you! Even if we are very easily distracted.

It's a very important thing and - as you know - something I'm very passionate about.

We'll get some prose poetry out of you, yet!

Ps. Thanks for making my chaotic house look so pretty!

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Apr 7Liked by Lindsay Johnstone

I've noticed how language becomes shared on Substack. You can tell people's influences and who is in their scenius by it. I've never heard the words 'expansive' 'softness' and 'matrescence' as many times as I have in the last few months on Substack!

I love the encouragement to work with other IRL as well as all the valuable connections online.

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Love this, Lindsay! I've not heard the term 'scenius' before. So much of writing is solitary, and we are encouraged to look inwards, shutting out the world in order to focus and get the words down, but this idea of creative community feels far more intuitive! Definitely got my mind ticking...xx

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