Hi friends,
Welcome to your Membership Hub, pinned to my homepage in perpetuity :)
Here, I’ll keep you updated on everything happening in the Membership (plus a few dates for free subscribers, too) including live course dates, conversation sessions, Zoom links, waitlists and more.
What’s coming up in February?
I’ll be chipping in throughout Feb and March on my agent,
of Portobello Literary’s How to Craft a Non-Fiction Proposal course which is a vital for anyone working on any type of non-fiction book. Across eight weeks, you’ll cover everything you need to know to give your book the best possible chance of securing a publishing contract. With asynchronous resources to work through plus live Zoom sessions, get your proposal ship shape and ready to set sail:Thursday 20th 8-9pm GMT: Seasonal Journaling Session for late Winter open to Monthly, Annual and Founding Members). Find out more about these sessions in this post and the Zoom link below the paywall:
Sunday 23rd 8-9pm GMT: Members’ Live Chat thread. Hop on in and let’s catch up on your February What Now?s
I’ll be back in conversation with my wingwomen
, and as we unpick the stories we’ve been told about midlife and try to stitch them back together again in a way that suits us (live date to be announced).
March 2025
Writing for Better Health short course
The next four-week run based on the Pennebaker Method of therapeutic expressive writing will kick off on Tuesday March 18th 8-9pm GMT for Monthly, Annual and Founding Members with replays available.
Hop over the paywall for the Zoom link for Thursday 20th Feb’s Seasonal Session for late Winter…