What Now? with Lindsay Johnstone
What Now? with Lindsay Johnstone – Audio and Video including every episode of Held in Mind: A Memoir


A voicenote for Laura Oldfield's Substack Sound Circle

Juuuuust a few seconds shy of

‘s request for five whole, unedited, unscripted minutes in response to this month’s prompt: transitions.

I’ve written about transitions big and small this week. Staring out over the Firth of Clyde, the deepest inland stretch of water around the British Isles, I’ve been minded of other trips across that stretch, so thought I’d talk very briefly about it, and about journeys more generally.

Here’s the view over to Arran from that ferry trip I mention in the voicenote:

And here’s my view over Arran last night, from Pencil Point in Largs. You can juuuuust make out the snow-capped top of Goat Fell in the distance:

We’re about to leave the coast and head back to the city (another transition!) ready to face the week ahead.

I can’t wait to hear how others have interpreted this prompt.

Lindsay x